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GCHS Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band at Grant County High School is composed mostly of Juniors and Seniors. Their concert programs range in difficulty from grade 4 to 5 music. In addition to their regular concerts, they also perform run out concerts to elementary schools as well as Holiday and Ceremonial Events for Grant County Schools. The Symphonic Band attends several State Assessments including Music For All's "UK Windfest" and KMEA Concert Assessment.  Members of the symphonic band are also encouraged to study privately and audition for University Honor Bands, District Select Bands and the KMEA All State Bands.  

Musical Notes

GCHS Concert Band

The Grant County Concert Band, also known as General Band, is band designed for the developing player. Most members are freshmen and sophomores. They play a range of music but also focus on technique and fundamentals.  The Grant County Concert Band is open to any student enrolled in Grant County High School.  The band gives two concerts a year with the highlight concert "MusicFest" at the Elk Creek Winery.

Grant Co. Middle School Bands

Saxophone Class

The Grant County Middle School bands are composed of roughly 275, 6th through 8th grade band students.  Students are given multiple instrument options to try before selecting an instrument for the remainder of their middle school playing career.  Students are taught fundamentals and music theory daily and give at least two concerts at year.  The 8th grade concert band regularly performs assessment at Music For All's "UK Windfest."  Middle School band is open to any student, and arrangements are made to give those in need an instrument, including support to be successful.  The Grant County Middle School Band is under the direction of Mrs. Nichelle Wolfe. 

Grant Co. Jazz Band


The Grant County Jazz Band is one of the premiere jazz bands in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Students of this ensemble are frequently selected to participate in the KMEA All State Jazz Ensemble I&II.  Their repertoire consists of grade 4 to grade 6 music of all varieties from dance band originals by Duke Ellington to today's contemporary arrangers and composers.  This group was selected to perform at the KMEA State Conference as one of only two jazz band selected in 2016. Aside from assessment, this group gives run out concerts to elementary schools and ends with a culminating performance at "MusicFest" at Elk Creek Winery. The jazz band is open to all students.

Grant Co. Percussion Ensemble

The Grant County Percussion Ensemble is open to all students 7th-12th grade.  Students learn basic fundamentals as well as advanced concepts in small and large ensemble literature. These students also perform with the Marching Band, Jazz Band and Concert Bands. Students rehearse twice weekly after school. The Grant County Percussion Ensemble is under the direction of Mr. Jayson Smith.

Image by Carlos Coronado

Grant Co. Marching Arts

Playing the Timpani

Grant County has a proud tradition of marching excellence.  The Grant County Marching Band is a 3-time State Champion: 1995, 1998 and 2015 and 14 time State Finalist. The marching band's storied success has also added other marching arts activities such as indoor percussion and winter guard. The Winter guard program is a 4-time class champion: 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2017 in the Tri-State Marching Arts Series and most recently the Scholastic A-2 2nd place champion for 2022. The Winter guard also competes in WGI.  

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